
In 2013, the Blekinge Institute of Technology Library launched the Writing Guide. The purpose of the guide is to offer students support in their academic writing. With practical advice on the writing process, forming research questions, and how to manage sources and references, we want to guide students to better writing. The purpose of the site is not to describe exactly how theses etc. should be written, but to offer general guidance.

Since 2014 the following universities develop the Writingguide in collaboration: Blekinge Institute of Technology, Kristianstad University, Linnaeus University and Umeå University. The Writing Guide editors are Caroline Åkeborn and Maryam Shabanzab from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Lillemor Lyrén from Umeå University, Henrik Evertsson and Ted Gunnarsson from Linnaeus University and Johan Landgren from Kristianstad University. The guide will be supplemented gradually with resources, templates, more media features etc.

The Writing Guide is continuously updated with new material. Are you missing something? Do you have suggestions for changes or additions? Please contact us through the contact page.

Other universities are welcome to either link to, or use the whole text, or parts of the text, and also to make alterations, should you wish to do so. According to the Creative Commons license we have chosen, the source should be acknowledged. Read more about the CC-license via this link: BY-NC-SA.

Unless otherwise stated, all illustrations you find in this guide are created by the editors.

If you wish to take part in further development of Writingguide.se for higher education as a collaborative effort you are welcome to contact the editors using the contact page.

Link to Writingguide.se

If you wish to link to Writingguide.se you are welcome to use the banner below.

Writingguide.se logotype

You can of course link to other pages than the start page, but we can not guarantee that these links will stay the same.