Quiz on copyright

Welcome to your Quiz on copyright


Only those texts, web pages, pictures, and other media that have the copyright mark,  ©, are protected by copyright law.


I have found a figure that I want to use in my essay. It is marked with the CC-licens CC BY SA. I don't want to use a CC-licens when I publish my essay. Can I still use the figure I found?


I have found some scientific articles that contain data that I want to use in my master thesis. Which of the following alternatives would you recommend?


How does a CC mark on a text or illustration make it easier for you to use something created by someone else? 


You cannot quote a %BLANK%   but you can use the information.

Quiz on copyright

22 oktober, 2024

Quiz on the structure of academic texts

Welcome to your Quiz on the structure of academic texts

What is meant by a study having high validity?

What is meant by a study having high reliability?

Quiz on the Writing process

Welcome to your Quiz on the Writing process

What is important to keep in mind during the writing process? (Several options are correct.)

Quiz on Creating cohesion

Welcome to your Quiz on Creating cohesion

What (or which) of the following are examples of cohesive ties?

Which of the following answer options are examples of how to create cohesion in a text? (More than one alternative can be correct.)

When should you divide a text into paragraphs?

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Welcome to your Quiz on Academic language

What characterizes an academic text?

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Welcome to your Quiz on Plagiarizing and Paraphrasing

When must you give a reference to a text that you quote from in your paper? (One or more answers may be correct.)

Turning in the same paper to two different courses, without express permission, is regarded as academic dishonesty.

Quiz on Correct reference management

Welcome to your Quiz on Correct reference management

Below are three references. Which one is a reference to an article in an academic/scholarly/scientific journal?

There are times when you will need to refer to a text that is published as a web page. Maybe that page is part of a set of pages that are reminiscent of a book. Below are some alternatives on what constitutes enough information for a reader to be able to identify the source. (More than one of the alternatives may be correct.)